Sara’s qualifications include:
- Dual bachelors, and masters-prepared advanced practice nurse
- Board-certified Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS-BC).
- Certified by the American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) as a critical care nurse (CCRN).
- Legal Nurse Consultant (LNC) certificate.
Sara has worked in critical care, telemetry, resuscitation (“Code Blue”), and rapid response for cardiac and sepsis best practice since 2009. Experienced at Level 1 trauma centers, mid-sized hospitals, and critical access facilities, she has firsthand knowledge of nursing practice standards and policy creation.
8232 LegalMed’s network of educated and experienced nurses — in multiple disciplines — is available for sub-contracting. Able to craft clear, concise reports and chronologies that expose potential practice gaps, we provide the information you need to determine merit, standards divergence, and/or missing case materials.